Gail Sideman Publicity



Publicity your way

Tell your business and personal stories your way.
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Crisis Communications
Crisis lurks.
Be prepared for on-and-offline disruption to your reputation.
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Get visible


Take charge of your name, image and likeness.(For athletes, authors, coaches and more.)
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A weekly piece of publicity delivered to your email box.
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No matter the topic, we won’t B.S. you or the media.

We hope your story is publicity-worthy but if not, we’ll work with you to find the right angle, fit and media platform.

Everything we write, present and pitch is backed with purpose and experience.

Mary Shafer
Mary Shafer
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"Not only is this pro sharp and fast on the draw, she’s kind, genuinely interested in your projects, and uncommonly generous."

Mary Shafer
Publisher, Word Forge Books
<div class="Colette ">Colette Bouchez</div>
Colette Bouchez
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"Your client was just the perfect source – he was intelligent, knowledgeable, his comments were balanced and appropriately cautious, and still informative about the pluses of this technology. I just adored him – and hope to use him again in future stories."

Colette Bouchez
Content Producer,, about a gpublicity client
<div class="Namee">Martin "Marty" Schreiber</div>
Martin "Marty" Schreiber
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"Gail is absolutely on target as she encourages repetition and consistency of message. That is what helped 'My Two Elaines' make a difference in helping caregivers learn, cope and survive."

Martin "Marty" Schreiber
My Two Elaines: Learning, Coping, and Surviving as an Alzheimer's Caregiver
Mike Freeman
Mike Freeman
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"Gail’s a GREAT egg! Very talented at her job. She uses social media perfectly. She engages writers, gets to know them, then when she approaches with idea, she already has a relationship."

Mike Freeman
USA Today / Author
Michael Burks
Michael Burks
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"Gail knows media. She is straight forward and honest which serves clients and media well because they know she won’t mislead when identifying quality story content."

Michael Burks
Emmy Award Winning TV Producer
Alfred White
Alfred White
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"I think Gail is a ‘role model’ [in sports publicity] that many should aspire to emulate."

Alfred White
Senior Director Of Marketing And Strategic Partnerships, College Football Playoff
<div class="romal">Romal Criss</div>
Romal Criss
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"When a host of a television talk show called me for an interview directly, I asked how she heard about me. She said that she looked up ‘body building’ on the internet and I was the person written about most. That visibility is because of Gail’s efforts."

Romal Criss
Certified Personal Trainer
<div class="mesum">Destiny Flood-De Jesus</div>
Destiny Flood-De Jesus
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"I want_ to take a moment to thank you for all of your hard work and dedication in helping me publish my first children's book. Your expertise and guidance have been invaluable, and I couldn't have done it without you."

Destiny Flood-De Jesus
A Little Superhero
Mary Shafer
Mary Shafer
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"Not only is this pro sharp and fast on the draw, she’s kind, genuinely interested in your projects, and uncommonly generous."

Mary Shafer
Publisher, Word Forge Books
Colette Bouchez
Colette Bouchez
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"Your client was just the perfect source – he was intelligent, knowledgeable, his comments were balanced and appropriately cautious, and still informative about the pluses of this technology. I just adored him – and hope to use him again in future stories."

Colette Bouchez
Content Producer,, about a Gpublicity client
Martin "Marty" Schreiber
Martin "Marty" Schreiber
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"Gail is absolutely on target as she encourages repetition and consistency of message. That is what helped 'My Two Elaines' make a difference in helping caregivers learn, cope and survive."

Martin "Marty" Schreiber
My Two Elaines: Learning, Coping, and Surviving as an Alzheimer's Caregiver
Mike Freeman
Mike Freeman
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"Gail’s a GREAT egg! Very talented at her job. She uses social media perfectly. She engages writers, gets to know them, then when she approaches with idea, she already has a relationship."

Mike Freeman
USA Today / "Author"
Michael Burks
Michael Burks
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"Gail knows media. She is straight forward and honest which serves clients and media well because they know she won’t mislead when identifying quality story content."

Michael Burks
Emmy Award Winning TV Producer
Alfred White
Alfred White
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"I think Gail is a ‘role model’ [in sports publicity] that many should aspire to emulate."

Alfred White
Senior Director Of Marketing And Strategic Partnerships, College Football Playoff
Romal Criss
Romal Criss
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"When a host of a television talk show called me for an interview directly, I asked how she heard about me. She said that she looked up ‘body building’ on the internet and I was the person written about most. That visibility is because of Gail’s efforts."

Romal Criss
Certified Personal Trainer
Destiny Flood-De Jesus
Destiny Flood-De Jesus
Read More
"I want_ to take a moment to thank you for all of your hard work and dedication in helping me publish my first children's book. Your expertise and guidance have been invaluable, and I couldn't have done it without you."

Destiny Flood-De Jesus
A Little Superhero