Sit, stand … athletes must back social messages with action

I’ve spent the last couple of months outlining evergreen blog topics to share insight into sports publicity and related business issues. As often the case, however, it’s a crisis that’s brought me out of my summer cave. The United States is in a big one, and once again, sports – today the NFL — is in […]

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The NFL could flip Concussion movie into a public relations win

I’m not a movie reviewer or a doctor. Like many of you, I’m a football fan, albeit one that often looks at professional football issues with a public relations eye. To me, there’s little that compares to the excitement of game days, so when statistics about the impact concussions have on athletes’ brains, I cringe, […]

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After a chaotic season, drama will drive us to watch Super Bowl XLIX

Today is Super Bowl Sunday. It means different things to different people. In the retail world it’s an opportunity to sell more product. For restaurants, it culminates a weekend of game themed food specials and events. For sports fans, it’s all about well, football. It’s been a challenging season for the NFL, the most popular […]

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My take on Marshawn Lynch: He LOVES the attention.

This is going to be short and sweet because I am personally tired of the Marshawn Lynch saying nothing story, as we approach Super Bowl XLIX. The only reason I clicked on any of the posts related to his 2-year-old responses to media was to provide links for this blog. The Seattle Seahawks running back said […]

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The wildly popular NFL is here to stay, so it should step up and do good

Yes, the National Football League has image issues. No, the multi-billion dollar NFL isn’t going anywhere soon. Commissioner Roger Goodell continues to be a public no-show (9 days and counting) and so far today, there are no new reports of NFL-related arrests. {NFL owners wipe their brows and watch the clock…} Despite the calls for […]

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NFL draftees — take charge of your brand from Day One

Congratulations to the dozens of young football players who will be drafted by one of 32 National Football League teams during the next four days. This is likely to be one of those days you will remember the rest of your life. The excitement of a new time in your life may seem to consume you, […]

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Time (again) to teach NFL Rookies how to appropriately use social media

(This post, written by Gail Sideman, originally appeared on The Football Educator website.) We see it seemingly at least once each week. An athlete or coach tweets something that they quickly delete but in the land of screen grabs, it gathers critical steam and editorialized retweets because of the post’s negativity, prejudice or controversial tone. […]

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An open letter to Seahawks cornerback, Richard Sherman

Dear Richard — I was wrong. I experienced a knee-jerk reaction during your rant to FOX Sports’ Erin Andrews and all of us in TV Land, I retweeted something about a Stanford education not teaching you how to act intelligently. I watched you with a “WTF?” look on my face and to those in the […]

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Smart NFL players focus. On their finances.

By now, National Football League players are all snug in their roster spots and cashing their multi-zero checks every two weeks… Not so fast. Rookies and veterans alike are smart to keep their focus on the field with one eye and their brains on their bank and investment accounts. As countless stories have been documented, […]

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You didn’t make the NFL cut and you’re ticked

No one can blame you. You’ve just spent the last six weeks working out in an NFL training camp trying to earn a coveted roster spot. You dreamt of playing pro football since you were a kid; there were hours of conditioning, missed family events and nights out with the guys because you were training. […]

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