is live!
This information first appeared in the November 7, 2024 issue of the PR newsletter, SIDEbar. Join the email list to get these and other publicity-focused bits of news each week. ———————– Having lived in a notebook where pages of NIL communications strategies multiplied, is here. I thought if these are timely enough to share […]
A request to athletes to join the maskerade
We the people ask a lot of athletes. Even when sidelined for COVID-19 precautions sports airwaves were back-to-back-to-back questions of “when will they come back?” and “what are they waiting for?” often without concern to how the virus might affect them as well as their families. As the U.S. sees alarming increases in positive coronavirus cases at […]
Athletes, coaches take to the streets to protest racism and police brutality
Sports on hold challenges message reach … or does it? Stick to sports in 2020 seems — not a chance. Protests after the death of George Floyd at the hand of a Minneapolis police officer included people of all colors, nationalities, ages and genders. They marched with signs and megaphones to voice their ire nationwide […]
Football players: it’s time to step up your social media game
A few weeks ago I wrote about why coaches and front officer personnel should care about social media and how their players use it. Since NFL training camps started last week and college football practices aren’t far behind, it’s time to address some things that coaches, administrators (including public relations specialists and sports information directors) […]
When social media is cruel, keep communication lines open
You’ve heard the phrase “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say it at all.” Most of us were taught that lesson before kindergarten, but it escaped some people who hide behind screen names and spew mean-spirited comments on social media pages. Among those frequently targeted are public personalities including professional athletes and media. While […]