Gail Sideman Publicity

Like a kid in a candy store, NFL Draft weekend is like a days-long treat for analyst Charles Davis

It’s a day he’s prepared for all of his life. Well, his life the last five months.

For anyone associated with or is a fan of the National Football League, the NFL Draft is like every holiday on the calendar wrapped into one weekend. Tonight, NFL Network analyst Charles Davis joins his colleagues after countless hours of film and paper study to break down the most obvious to the most obscure player selections on the 2015 list.

He won’t admit it, but if you’ve watched NFL Network’s coverage during the last few years, you know that Davis brings knowledge to the table that few others match.

It’s not about one-upping anyone, though. Davis gets fired up about the NFL Draft simply trying to glean which teams got draft gems that are not discussed as much during the actual draft itself.

“I like to see if particular players that I like get selected higher than others had them ranked, as well,” Davis said from Chicago, the city host of this year’s draft.

Davis said that he has prepared for the draft in some form each day since his college football season with FOX Sports concluded in December. His travels have taken him to all-star games where he talks to players and scouts; he has enjoyed old-fashioned phone call swith college and NFL personnel or film and stats study.

To be a good analyst is to work like a journalist. You have to ask detailed questions and most importantly, listen intently.

Like many of us, Davis, who co-hosts NFL Network’s “Path to the Draft” with Daniel Jeremiah from the NFL Combine through the NFL Draft, said he likes to know the stories behind the players as people.

“Do they have any good, interesting back stories?” Charles asked. “We want to know those and talk about them as people with experiences, not just names on a board.”

And when the draft is over after May 2 and the postmortems have been reviewed, what’s next on Davis’ docket?

“A vacation!”


Disclaimer: PUBLISIDE’s Gail Sideman works with Davis and considers him a valued friend and source of all football information. She wants audiences to know just how hard a man like Davis works at bringing the most accurate and entertaining information to the public, and wishes all media covering the event a super event!

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