PR and more — a look ahead

This isn’t a textbook post that if you work in the industry, have read in newsletters this month about how PR will change in 2019. I don’t know how it will change. I know what will remain though. The public and media want to know one thing from you: the truth. A most tired cliche […]

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Public relations in the most unexpected places … After further review …

The week of Thanksgiving is a funky one. Many of us are still at work, yet there’s a different vibe, as people seem to cram in tasks that they might not do Thursday or Friday. Oh, and email boxes are already filled with Black Friday deals or teases. Whether you travel to share the holiday […]

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After further review … coach goes on a power trip

Alabama football coach Nick Saban helped us forget about Urban Meyer for a day. No, Saban didn’t lie, he was, in layman’s terms, a jerk. The reason I put the two in the same camp is because they violated the simplest of public-relations practices that all coaches, let alone two of the winningest in college […]

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After further review … OSU’s PR is PU

The decision has been made. The Ohio State’s Board of Trustees’ announced that head football coach Urban Meyer will be suspended for three games and docked six weeks pay, and athletics director Gene Smith suspended for a little more than two weeks. After further review … You can’t handle the truth — The word “truth” […]

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Different look, same writer

Welcome to my new blog. And my new look. In an effort to communicate the personal side of the publicity work I do, I decided to use what I identify with best — my own name. I continue to work with and consult with others who know how to do things better than I do […]

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