You didn’t make the NFL cut and you’re ticked

No one can blame you. You’ve just spent the last six weeks working out in an NFL training camp trying to earn a coveted roster spot. You dreamt of playing pro football since you were a kid; there were hours of conditioning, missed family events and nights out with the guys because you were training. Suddenly, like a punch in the gut, you’ve been told to report to the coach’s office with your playbook.

Your emotions run between being emotionally upset and angry.

The fact is, your NFL career may not be over, and your response and attitude going forward could play a part in whether another team or even the one that just cut you, invites you for another try.

Whatever you do, Mr. NFL athlete without a team, don’t whine!

That’s tops in the “do not” list. Others:

• Don’t suggest that the reason you got cut was because a coach didn’t like you.

• Don’t blame teammates or others working toward the same roster spot for your inability to earn a job.

• You might have sustained an injury. So did dozens of others. You may be understandably disappointed, but don’t let it make you bitter about the resulting cut. Hopefully your injury will heal and you’ll be in the mix for another NFL team in the future.

• Don’t badmouth people in the organization for which you auditioned the last six weeks. The football community is a close one and word will get around.

There are alternatives that can help you feel better during a disappointing situation, and prove to organizations that you’re worth signing for your physical talent, as well as your attitude on and off the field:

• Show your confidence is high. When asked, share why you think you’re strong at your position.

• Suggest ways you plan to stay in shape while you’re not working out with an NFL team.

• Speak positively in public. It will help you think better about yourself and your abilities as you continue to work toward your goal (notice how athletes who mope often play less-than to their ability).

Getting cut from any team is never a good feeling. When you have the potential to play on a national stage and experience a setback, it helps to reset your goals and reboot your attitude. It will help you now and when the next team calls.



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