Different look, same writer

Welcome to my new blog. And my new look.

In an effort to communicate the personal side of the publicity work I do, I decided to use what I identify with best — my own name. I continue to work with and consult with others who know how to do things better than I do (for starters, thanks Tim McCormick for your work on this website and others), but the buck stops here when it comes to the writing and publicity work I do for you. I never claim perfection, but I always promise my all.

As I thought about what to focus on when it came to writing about publicity, ongoing PR, crisis communications and more, it occurred to me that many of the things I wrote about in the past are as relevant now as they were then. It’s for that reason that I imported most of my posts from the PUBLISIDE blog. In a lot of cases, PR challenges are the same and only the names changed.

There is a lot to digest these days in sports and life, and I’ll work to put thoughts about how publicity plays into that as simply as I can.

I welcome your comments and of course, appreciate your reading time. Our time in this universe is precious. Thanks for spending some of it with me.



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