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The NIL [Publicity] Edge

This information first appeared in the November 7, 2024 issue of the PR newsletter, SIDEbar. Join the email list to get these and other publicity-focused bits of news each week. 


Having lived in a notebook where pages of NIL communications strategies multiplied, is here. I thought if these are timely enough to share with parents, athletes, business owners and school administrators by phone and email, they might be valuable if you fall into one of these groups or know someone who does. (Feel free to forward this or the newsletter to them.)

My goal with and the related NIL Edge is to help athletes monetize their name, image and likeness. It’s to share how everyone involved can peacefully team to help these talented individuals earn praise, publicity and profit for their off-the-field projects. Along with some topics already published, there are others in the hopper.

The NIL [Publicity] Edge

For those who have athletic kids, are affiliated with a university’s athletic business or if you own or manage a non-university business, I invite you to subscribe to what will be a source of publicity-related quick reads.

While much of the material you read about NIL focuses on done deals or deals gone wrong, including legislation, NIL Publicity’s hopes to help you or your friends’ kids learn and earn in sports. Having previously worked in college athletics, I savor the chance to present new-world opportunities and merge them with the forever value of collaborative communication.

I look forward to sharing more later. Enjoy this one to start.

© 2024 Gail Sideman,, gpublicity


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