Customer service is part of public relations

Get your feet off the counter, stand up and greet your customers with a smile when they walk through the door! I realize that customer service is more than a polite “hello, may I help you?” It’s more than asking a customer‘s name or about their day when he or she calls or engages in […]

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The NFL, NFLPA legal wrangling has left many deflated

Nearly nine months have passed and frankly, I’m worn out. Had it. I’m deflated. No, I didn’t give birth or anything crazy like that. I’m simply breathing a sigh of relief that U. S. District Court Judge Richard Berman put an end to the madness that we got to know as “Deflategate.” At least for […]

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Football players: it’s time to step up your social media game

A few weeks ago I wrote about why coaches and front officer personnel should care about social media and how their players use it. Since NFL training camps started last week and college football practices aren’t far behind, it’s time to address some things that coaches, administrators (including public relations specialists and sports information directors) […]

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Looking for Super Bowl ad momentum after the game

With the NCAA Basketball Tournament nearly upon us, I started to think about advertiser value or as the Association calls them, “corporate partners.” Reports of late reveal that Super Bowl advertisers, while they dish out millions of dollars for a minute of air time during the game, have little message recall or effect on sales […]

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Ed Sabol was the founder of NFL storytelling

Buzzwords in the publicity, public relations, marketing and advertising industries seem to pop into our vocabularies and change by the day. Within the last two years, those of us that work to get messages heard glommed onto what many of our pitches already were: stories. A short time after that word simplified our lives and […]

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My take on Marshawn Lynch: He LOVES the attention.

This is going to be short and sweet because I am personally tired of the Marshawn Lynch saying nothing story, as we approach Super Bowl XLIX. The only reason I clicked on any of the posts related to his 2-year-old responses to media was to provide links for this blog. The Seattle Seahawks running back said […]

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The wildly popular NFL is here to stay, so it should step up and do good

Yes, the National Football League has image issues. No, the multi-billion dollar NFL isn’t going anywhere soon. Commissioner Roger Goodell continues to be a public no-show (9 days and counting) and so far today, there are no new reports of NFL-related arrests. {NFL owners wipe their brows and watch the clock…} Despite the calls for […]

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The NFL wanted 24-7 attention and by gosh it’s got it

If you’re the NFL, I imagine you’re saying today to be careful of what you wish for. It seems that only light months ago that the National Football League commanded media attention for thousands of days on end with mostly good news. My how times have changed. And that’s just since yesterday. Or 1 o’clock […]

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PR element of Tony Stewart story evolving

There was only one right thing for auto racer Tony Stewart to do after his sprint car struck and killed Kevin Ward Jr. in a dirt track race Saturday night. That was to sit out of his scheduled NASCAR race in Watkins Glen, N.Y. the following day. It almost didn’t happen, and because of a […]

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Time (again) to teach NFL Rookies how to appropriately use social media

(This post, written by Gail Sideman, originally appeared on The Football Educator website.) We see it seemingly at least once each week. An athlete or coach tweets something that they quickly delete but in the land of screen grabs, it gathers critical steam and editorialized retweets because of the post’s negativity, prejudice or controversial tone. […]

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